Live Online GP Tuition
92% A grades, 8% B grades
All classes personally taught by Mr Liau
Ex-journalist and author of A-Level GP answer key
12 years teaching experience
2023 Discount
Sign up this year to lock in the current rate (with a permanent 40% discount)
Unlimited access to full library of recordings, notes, model essay and resources (more than one year’s worth)
All classes taught by founder and principal tutor Mr Liau
“Classes with Mr Liau always bring fresh insights that have never crossed my mind during my self-study or even during GP lessons in school.” ~ Jiwon, Victoria Junior College. Jiwon improved from S to A, and eventually topped his cohort for GP in JC2.

Track record
How we achieve it
Top Five Questions
Absolutely. Although GP is a H1 subject, it is often used by university admissions officers as an indicator of a student’s ability to cope with academic rigour and engage in interdisciplinary thinking—two of the most important requirements for success in higher education. Priority is thus always given to students who do well in GP.
In addition, a student’s GP grade is used in the computation of their Rank Points (RP). Students who score well in other subjects but poorly in GP risk being denied admission to the university of their choice because they have lower RP.
You may have heard of stories of students who either had to opt for a less competitive course or retake the A-Level examination as a private candidate.
A student’s GP grade does matter immensely.
Unfortunately, it is not easy to score an A. Only around 20% of students in Singapore do so every year. Students who are unable to perform consistently should not be surprised if they fail to score an A for the A-Level General Paper examination.
Here at GP Tuition, we strive to ensure that none of our students encounter such a situation.
92% of our students achieve an ‘A’ grade and 8% achieve a ‘B’ grade at the A-level examination.
This was made possible through our structured and systematic approach to learning, the intellectual stimulation provided through interactive and engaging classes, and the close guidance and support we offer each student at the individual level.
General Paper is, by far, the most important subject for any JC student. Our lessons equip students with the ability to understand our world and navigate it intelligently. We train students to develop the thinking skills required in higher education and in their future careers.
Over the years, we have seen our students win top scholarships, enter top universities, and excel in fields like law and medicine.
Our students have also expressed an appreciation for how our lessons have helped them broaden their perspectives, develop a passion for learning about the world, and become more critical thinkers.
In short, General Paper is more than just an A-Level subject that students need to score well in. It provides crucial preparation for the future.
We help students achieve these goals by focusing on more than just short-term grades. Through interactive and thought-provoking discussions, we seek to develop our students’ ability to become better thinkers, not just top scorers.
While our GP lessons do give our students a competitive edge, not every student requires tuition.
For those who do, there are three main advantages.
First, students will be exposed to a wealth of knowledge through our lessons and learn how to tackle the GP paper in a structured and systematic manner. It is not possible to acquire the same knowledge independently with so many other subjects to study for. Our lessons help students save time that they can then spend focusing on other subjects.
Second, students will receive professional guidance and feedback from a former journalist and international op-ed writer. This is a rare opportunity.
Finally, students will receive one-to-one support to ensure that they are able to perform consistently and score well for the A Level examination.
Given the highly competitive nature of the A-Level GP examination, it is difficult to guarantee good results without professional support and guidance.
Yes, all classes are taught by Mr Liau.
We do not follow the practice of large commercial tuition centres where students are taught by a different teacher than advertised.
Here at My Mustard Seed, we guarantee that all classes will be taught by Mr Liau.
Students can reach out to him directly if they have any questions or require feedback on their assignments.
Mr Liau is the exclusive GP author for the academic book publisher Shing Lee and the invited author for the A-Level General Paper Answer Key (2021-present). As a former journalist, Mr Liau wrote op-eds locally and internationally for publications like The Guardian. He has twelve years teaching experience and is certified in Online Teaching and Education by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Post-Graduate). He graduated with a degree in History from NTU. He is also a Hwa Chong Institution alumnus, and award-winning intervarsity and JC debater.
GP poses a unique challenge to educators. To excel, students must both be equipped with practical skills as well as with the ability to think and reason for themselves. Yet, these goals lie in tension with one another.
The formulaic approach pursued by some tuition centres works well in achieving the former goal but not in developing critical thinking skills. Such approaches are, moreover, extremely boring and arguably even harmful to the student’s intellectual development and personal growth.
Our GP classes seek to achieve a healthy balance between the two goals by relying on a structured curriculum, supplemented by thought-provoking discussions about important current affairs issues.
We believe that the best testament to our success lies in our students grades as well as the unvarnished feedback that they have given us in their testimonials.
Our students achieved 92% ‘A’ grades and 8% ‘B’ grades for the A-Level exams.
We have also succeeded in helping weaker students excel, with an average improvement of three to five grades (i.e. S to A).
Available Programmes
Ultimate Track Class
The Ultimate Track class is the main GP class. We cover all essential skills and concepts for GP in this class. The classes will include hands-on exercises, discussions, guided practices, notes, materials, examples and everything students need to get an A for GP.
Case Studies MasterClass
The Case Studies MasterClass focuses more on current affairs issues and key global events that are especially important for GP. The case study approach is interdisciplinary in nature and provides more room for non-exam-driven discussion and analysis. Notes will be provided as part of CSMC as well. Students who are unable to attend the Case Studies MasterClass for a particular week can watch the recording and read the notes on their own.
For more details on how classes are conducted, please refer to our explanatory guide.
2023 Discount
Sign up this year to lock in the current rate (with a permanent 40% discount)
Unlimited access to full library of recordings, notes, model essay and resources (more than one year’s worth)
All classes taught by founder and principal tutor Mr Liau
Full GP Package
- 3 hours per week (live online classes)
- Choose 1 UT slot and 1 CSMC slot
- UT covers all 55 core GP skills and essential concepts for Paper 1 and Paper 2
- CSMC covers all pertinent case studies and current affairs events
- Systematic approach with hands-on practices and interactive discussions
- Explore important issues and engage in interdisciplinary learning
- All recordings, notes and resources from start of academic year
- Get everything you need to score an A
- All assignments personally marked by Mr Liau
- Unlimited e-consults with Mr Liau
Discount for FAS students
Students on FAS may apply for a discounted fee. Basic proof will be required.
Please contact us for more details.
Current Schedule

- UT = Ultimate Track
- CSMC = Case Studies MasterClass
- Students who sign up for the Full GP Package are entitled to one UT and one CSMC class per week.